Classism in universities and society

Conference – Classism in universities and society

Conference on 21 and 22 March 2024 at the Technical University of Darmstadt

Venue: Old Main Building S103/123

The registration desk is located in room 121

E-mail address:

Classism in universities and society - between taboo and appropriation

The project “Confronting Classism: Promoting Participation and Equal Opportunities at the University” is organising a nationwide conference in cooperation with central institutions of TU Darmstadt,the anti-discrimination department and feminism department of the AStA , Student Union – Intercultural Department and TUtor International.

The conference aims to combine academic, practical and activist perspectives on classism in higher education and society, to focus on areas of social life and institutions in their reproducing function of social inequality and to provide an opportunity to present and discuss approaches for making classism visible and sensitising people to it, as well as critical impulses for a theory and practice that is critical of classism.


Thursday 21.03.2024

Friday 22.03.2024

Location: TU Darmstadt

Here you will find the the abstracts and personal descriptions of the contributors (opens in new tab)

Here you will find the Long form of the abstracts (opens in new tab)

The documents are password-protected. You will receive the password after registering for the conference (see link above).