Inclusion in an environment of conflicting priorities

The project “Inklusion im Spannungsfeld” (inclusion in an environment of conflicting priorities) explores the institutional change and transformation taking place in the education sector that has been set in motion by the right to inclusion. This research is done using a combination of perspectives based on subject-related didactics, school, special needs and general education and sociology. This project is carried out in collaboration with inclusion researchers of GU Frankfurt and JGU Mainz and funded by the RMU Initiative Funding for Research.

The subproject “Anders – Aushandlungsprozesse sonderpädagogischen Förderbedarfs” (different – negotiation processes for special education needs) explores how the assessment of special education needs is negotiated and legitimised between different professional and institutional stakeholders. Thus, it focusses on the environment of conflicting priorities between categorising and de-categorising at this particular education-biographical magnifier. This project is carried out in collaboration with Dr. Julia Gasterstädt (Ms, she/her).