Moodle page 'Information and consultation hours for students at AB PiD'
Information on the first state examination for grammar school teachers
Authorised examiners at the PiD department:
Information and procedures for the state examination:
- Information can be found on the and on the Moodle page I profile page of the authorised examiners nformation and consultation hours for students at AB PiD
- Registrations for the first state examination will only be accepted from the start of the registration period (see website Lehrkräfteakademie Hessen, Prüfstelle Darmstadt).
- Approximately 2 weeks before the registration deadline, a collective online consultation hour will take place with all potential candidates. The date and how to register can be found on the profile page of the authorised examiners. After the online consultation, you will receive a digital signature on your registration form.
The Education in the Context of Digitality department coordinates several modules in the pedagogical fields of study:
- Social and ideological history of Education (B.A. Pedagogy 2021)
- Digitalisation in pedagogical perspective (B.A. Pedagogy 2021)
- Education and digitalisation (M.A. Educational Sciences, 2021)
- VENN: Pedagogical understanding of science and sustainable development (grammar school teaching degree, MINT networking area)
The department's teaching is characterised by innovative teaching and learning formats:
Content specialisation and individual relevance
Within the courses offered, students are introduced to the subject areas and encouraged to explore them more deeply. Particular attention is paid to enabling a link to individual fields of work or interests. This should help students to better understand the relevance of the respective topic both individually and socially.

Critical thinking and hands-on
The subject areas of the work area suggest the encouragement of a critical perspective on social developments for people in educational contexts. This is simultaneously linked to theoretical concepts, didactic models and concrete implementation scenarios for educational contexts.
Online, face-to-face, blended and hybrid
Digital developments as well as various crisis-ridden social challenges suggest the testing of different teaching and learning formats in online, face-to-face and hybrid settings. These formats are being trialled, evaluated, reflected upon and adapted as required at the Education in the Context of Digitality department. In addition to the question of organisation, the focus is particularly on the didactic fit of format, content and actors involved.
Social relevance
In those courses where it is curricularly possible, social challenges such as social inequality, climate change or technological developments worthy of ethical discussion are addressed and future concepts are discussed. The department therefore explicitly aims to offer teaching that is socially relevant. By transferring scientific knowledge into the context of social challenges, the department contributes to the fulfilment of the university's Third Mission.
Doctoral candidates:
Working title:
The significance of economic theories for education for sustainable development
Prof. (first reviewer) and Prof. Peter Euler (second reviewer) Nina Grünberger
Short abstract:
- Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) includes an explicit consideration of socio-economic issues from the outset. At the centre of the work is the question of how an understanding of economic interrelationships can be made possible in the face of existing unsustainability and what role the reference to different economic theories plays.